Findlay Girls Fastpitch Softball Club (FGFSC), dba
We are a non-profit organization, committed to providing a safe, fun and positive environment for girls to learn and play the sport of fastpitch softball. We strive to be an organization where each athlete's ability can be developed to the highest level possible. The goal is for the Findlay Fastpitch players to grow and mature in the game of fastpitch softball and as positive young ladies.
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Print Spring and Summer Resistration form below and mail form together with payment to the address on the form or you can use the Venmo link.
Jr. High Softball :
12:00pm- 2:00pm every Sunday at FHS, besides Feb 2nd, until May 11th, or until we can go outside.
Coaches for Jr High Softball cell email
Head Coach - Eric George 419-509-6777
Assistant Coach - Ken Copper 419-231-0236
Assistant Coach - Joe Hartman 419-957-1238